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Regular Expressions (sometimes shortened to regexp, regex, or re) are tools for matching patterns in text. In Python, we have the re module. The applications for regular expressions are wide-spread, but they are fairly complex, so when contemplating using a regex for a certain task, think about alternatives, and come to regexes as a last resort.

An example regex is r"^(From|To|Cc).*?" Now for an explanation: the caret ^ matches text at the beginning of a line. The following group, the part with (From|To|Cc) means that the line has to start with one of the words that are separated by the pipe |. That is called the OR operator, and the regex will match if the line starts with any of the words in the group. The .*? means to un-greedily match any number of characters, except the newline \n character. The un-greedy part means to match as few repetitions as possible. The . character means any non-newline character, the * means to repeat 0 or more times, and the ? character makes it un-greedy.

So, the following lines would be matched by that regex: From: To: !asp]<,.

A complete reference for the re syntax is available at the python docs.


Try to fix the code to print out the correct information.

# Example: import re pattern = re.compile(r"\[(on|off)\]") # Slight optimization print(, "Mono: Playback 65 [75%] [-16.50dB] [on]")) # Returns a Match object! print(, "Nada...:-(")) # Doesn't return anything. # End Example
# Exercise: make a regular expression that will match an email def test_email(your_pattern): pattern = re.compile(your_pattern) emails = ["", "", "wha.t.`1an?ug{}"] for email in emails: if not re.match(pattern, email): print("You failed to match %s" % (email)) elif not your_pattern: print("Forgot to enter a pattern!") else: print("Pass") pattern = r"" # Your pattern here! test_email(pattern)
# Exercise: make a regular expression that will match an email import re def test_email(your_pattern): pattern = re.compile(your_pattern) emails = ["", "", "wha.t.`1an?ug{}"] for email in emails: if not re.match(pattern, email): print("You failed to match %s" % (email)) elif not your_pattern: print("Forgot to enter a pattern!") else: print("Pass") # Your pattern here! pattern = r"\"?([-a-zA-Z0-9.`?{}]+@\w+\.\w+)\"?" test_email(pattern) test_output_contains("Pass") success_msg("Great job!")


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