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An array is a type of variable that may contain several values at once.

There are three types of arrays, namely:

  • Indexed array - An array with a numeric key
  • Associative array — An array where each key has its own specific value
  • Multidimensional array — An array containing one or more arrays within itself

Indexed Arrays

An indexed array stores each array element with a numeric index. Below are examples of creating indexed arrays.

// Define an indexed array $cities = array("New York", "Salt Lake", "Tokyo"); var_dump($cities);

Arrays can also be created manually:

$cities[0] = "New York"; $cities[1] = "Salt Lake"; $cities[2] = "Tokyo"; var_dump($cities);

Looping through indexed arrays can be done as follows:

$cities = array("New York", "Salt Lake", "Tokyo"); $arrlength = count($cities);
for($i = 0; $i < $arrlength; $i++) { echo $cities[$i]; echo "<br>"; }

Associative Arrays

Associative arrays are arrays that use named keys that are assigned by the user.

An associative array can be created by:

// Define an associative array $ages = array("Mark" => 22, "Jeff" => 32, "Mike" => 28); var_dump($ages);

which is equivalent to:

$ages["Mark"] = "22"; $ages["Jeff"] = "32"; $ages["Mike"] = "28"; var_dump($ages);

Looping through an associative array can be done using a foreach loop.

$ages = array("Mark" => 22, "Jeff" => 32, "Mike" => 28);
foreach($ages as $x => $x_value) { echo "Name = " . $x . ", Age = " . $x_value; echo "<br>"; }

Multidimensional Arrays

A multidimensional array is an array in which each element may also be an array, and each element in the sub-array can also be an array or have another array within it, and so on.

Below is an example of a multidimensional array.

// Define a multidimensional array $friends = array( array( "name" => "Mark", "country" => "USA", ), array( "name" => "Jeff", "country" => "Japan", ), array( "name" => "Raymond", "country" => "United Kingdom", ) );
// Access nested value echo "Raymond is from " . $friends[2]["country"] . ".";


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