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PHP has a huge collection of internal or built-in functions that you can call directly within your PHP scripts to perform a specific task, and in addition you can create your own custom functions.

Built-in Functions

PHP has over 1000 built-in functions that can be called directly, from within a script, to perform a specific task.

User-Defined Functions

It is possible to create your own function. A function has the following characteristics:

  • can be used repeatedly in a program.
  • will not be executed automatically when a page loads
  • can be executed by a function call

Creating a User-Defined Function

Creating a function in PHP uses the following syntax:

function functionName() {
    code to be executed;

Take note that a function in PHP:

  • starts with the word function
  • function names are NOT case-sensitive
  • it is a common practice to name a function with what it actually does

Below is a simple example of a PHP function.

function helloWorld() { echo "Hello world! <br>"; }
helloWorld(); // call the function

Functions with Parameters

When defining a function, parameters can be included so that it will take input values at run time. The parameters act similarly to placeholder variables within a function; they are replaced at run time by the values (known as arguments) sent to the function at the time of invocation.

Below is an example of a function with parameters.

// Defining function function getSum($x, $y){ $sum = $x + $y; echo "Sum of the two numbers $x and $y is : $sum"; }
// Calling the function getSum(11, 21);

Note that functions with parameters can only be called together with the exact number of parameters. For functions that accepts parameters as an option, a default value should be assigned to its parameters. Below is an example of a function that has optional parameters.

// Defining function function getSum($x , $y = 10){ $sum = $x + $y; echo "Sum of the two numbers $x and $y is : $sum"; }
// Calling function getSum(11, 21); echo "<br>"; getSum(3, 43); echo "<br>"; getSum(5); //function is called using only one parameter echo "<br>";


Create a function named myFunction. This function accepts two integers($x, $y) as parameters. It then takes the first integer and divides it with the second integer and displays the quotient. To test your code, call your function with 12 as your first integer and 3 as the second.

$var = 123;
function myFunction($x, $y){ $z = $x / $y; echo "$x divided by $y is $z"; }
myFunction(12, 3);
{ "test_variable_exists":[ { "object":"$x", "error_message":"Have you declared <code>$x<\/code>?" }, { "object":"$y", "error_message":"Have you declared <code>$y<\/code>?" } ], "test_output_contains": { "expected":"4", "error_message":"Sorry. Please try again." }, "test_function_exists": { "object":"myFunction", "error_message":"Did you create <code>myFunction<\/code>?" }, "success_message":"Good job!", "error_message":"Please read the instructions again." }


PHP Basics

PHP Advance


PHP Functions and Methods