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Python String replace() - Definition, Syntax, Parameters, Examples


The replace() method replaces a specified phrase with another specified phrase. Note that all occurrences of the specified phrase will be replaced, if nothing is specified.


string.replace(oldvalue, newvalue, count)


Parameter Description
oldvalue Required. The string to search for
newvalue Required. The string to replace the old value with
count Optional. A number specifying how many occurrences of the old value you want to replace. Default is all occurrences


testStr = "Welcome to the PHP tutorials." result = testStr.replace("PHP", "Python") print(result) # replacing all occurrence testStr = "Welcome to the PHP tutorials. PHP is a scripting language." result = testStr.replace("PHP", "Python") print(result) # replacing only the first 2 occurrence testStr = "Welcome to the PHP tutorials. PHP is a PHP scripting language." result = testStr.replace("PHP", "Python", 2) print(result)


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